Gibraltar Messenger

Deagel’s Grim Predictions for the US and UK – What about Gibraltar?

Main article from Henry Makow/Exposé News, with additions.

America will be a disaster. Our population will fall 70%, The GDP will totally collapse 87%, the military will disappear 95%, and the economy collapse 73%. Yes, those are the actual Deagel predictions for the United States… All these hundreds of millions will be killed off by starvation, nuclear war, plagues, death vaccines, and scamdemics like the soon coming Bird Flu in January 2025.”

Deagel’s ties to Deep State Exposed!

Explosive Gov. Report: Quadruple-Vaccinated Mortality Rates Skyrocket – Shocking CIA & Rockefeller Foundation Ties to Deagel’s 2025 Depopulation Agenda Exposed

During his life, Dr. Edwin served as the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and the Deputy Secretary of Defense. He was also the Director of International Relations for The Rockefeller Foundation.

And current real-world data on deaths in the West which includes figures on mortality rates per 100,000 showing the quadruple-vaccinated are more likely to die of any cause than the unvaccinated, strongly suggest Deagel’s depopulation forecast is not just an estimation but in fact, a target that is on track to be hit thanks to the deadly effects of Covid-19 vaccination.

(Col Edwin Deagel 1937-2021)

The original 2014 version of the Deagel 2025 Forecast was taken down like the Georgia Guide Stones. What does Deagel know that we don’t know? Lots of things! 

This is what they do for the world military, the U.S. President, CIA, NSA, NATO, OECD, OSCE, Russian Defense Agency, World Bank, UN (Ezek. 13:10; Ezek. 13:14), Stratfor, and others. 

They are the Deep State. These are very intelligent, very serious people. Next year (2025) this planet is going to collapse with unimaginable suffering. This was written in collaboration with the CIA, DoD, and Rockefeller Foundation. They cover 183 countries in this report. 

Let’s go over forty-one of the most important ones: China will thrive. Their GDP, military, and economy will expand. They will be the world leader for the first time in human history. 

They will be the superpower finally. Russia will thrive. Their GDP, military and economy will expand. They will be superior to us militarily. They will partner with China, Iran, Iraq, India, Brazil, Turkey, and many other countries. BRICS is constantly growing. (Ezek. 38)

India will mostly survive. Their GDP and military will expand, but their economy will drop by 24%. The standard of living will get worse than it already is. 

Japan will fall badly. Their population will only fall 8%, but their GDP will collapse, and the economy will drop by half. 

Brazil will do well. Their GDP will rise, their military will expand strongly, and their economy will be stable. They will work strongly with China and others. 

America will be a disaster. Our population will fall 70%, The GDP will totally collapse 87%, the military will disappear 95%, and the economy collapse 73%. Yes, those are the actual Deagel predictions for the United States. 

China, Russia, and Iran alone will out-number us 16 to 1! We’ll be the military laughing stock of the world. The World Bully will be the World Sissy. (Rev. 11:7-10; Rev. 11:10)

Population down 70% (Rev. 6:8), GDP down 87%, military down 95%, and economy down 73%. A Third World mixed race totalitarian cesspool. (Matt. 24:21)

Mexico will somehow survive, and have a standard of living not much lower than that of America! Only small losses in population and the economy. Go figure. 

Italy will collapse, plus lose 30% population. No hope there. France will collapse with a 60% economic fall. Hopeless weak frogs. Canada will collapse and have a 48% economic loss. The end of Trudeauville. 

South Korea will lose 28% population and 50% of the economy. North Korea is not mentioned strangely enough. This is purposeful. Netherlands somehow will grow their GDP and only lose 10% of the economy. They are the central food source of Europe. 

Iran will grow the GDP and military, but somehow lose 24% of the economy. They will do well, while we will be decimated. Thailand will lose 40% of their economy, but hugely grow their GDP, and their economy will be stable. They will actively cooperate with China and others. Venezuala will keep the population, but lose their economy. This could have been Heaven on Earth with the abundant oil and natural resources. Socialism won.

Philippines is hard to comprehend. They will double their GDP and stabilize their economy, while continuing to breed like cockroaches. Poverty will always reign. They will partner closely with China, Russia, India, etc. 

Germany, like America, will collapse entirely. They will lose 44% of their people, have no military, and their economy will drop by 70%. 

Argentina will be a survivor with a mere 25% economy loss and everything else stable. How can a basket case like this survive. Cuba will be a survivor somehow. That means the six decade communist regime will collapse. 32% rise in GDP and stable economy. They will still live in abject poverty. 

Saudi Arabia will suffer a 42% economic loss, but survive unfortunately. They should be wiped off the map. 

Spain will collapse in every way.

Letter to People of the Campo:
In the Holy Bible Book of the Apocalypse it is explained quite clearly that not one Spanish person or catholic will survive the Reaping (Cosecha?) of Planet Earth and that ONLY those people who recognize Christ on his return, inside his new body, reject Catholicism; man’s laws and accept Christ’s Sovereignty, Nationality and Law will survive. God has prophesied through Nostradamus that He will make a second butcher’s bench (slaughter) of the Spanish people who stand against Him and the setting up of Christ’s Kingdom in the Campo.

Hopeless. Australia is no place to flee to. A 35% loss in population, and massive losses in the GDP and economy. 

This has always been a NWO test tube. Dumb as rocks. Chile will do great! A huge growth in GDP and military with a stable economy. 

Belgium will fall in every way including a large population loss of 25%. Finland will do well in every way. Surprise, surprise. 

Go figure. Austria will fall in both GDP and the economy, right along with Germany. Sweden will collapse, of course, with a 60% drop in the economy. 

What else? Switzerland will suffer badly. Huge 36% loss in population, 68% loss in GDP, and 56% loss in the economy. Nothing stable about this country at all. 

The United Kingdom, like America, will be a total disaster. An 80% loss of population and economy just for starters. An 87% loss of GDP. 

Gibraltar Messenger:

How will Gibraltar fare – when its protectors are defeated, as I’ve been telling them for decades.


Gibraltarians only hope is to return to keeping God’s Law and thus obtain His protection as I’ve been telling them repeatedly.

Hungary will thrive with a growing GDP and stable economy. Figure that one out. The only white country to survive this. 

Norway will suffer a 29% loss of population, and collapse in GDP and economy. Denmark will lose 34% population, and collapse of GDP and economy. They should do a lot worse due to their lifelong love affair with socialism. Slovakia will be a survivor with a growing GDP and stable economy. They will still have the same poor standard of living.

New Zealand, like Australia, will be a disaster. A 27% loss in population, a 64% loss in GDP, a 62% economic loss. It’s always been a Communist (Rev. 6:4) Paradise of sheep. 

Israel will lose over half the population, and 80% drop in GDP, and 70% drop in economy. They will no longer have America to support them and fight their wars. 

Henry Kissinger long ago said in 2012 “Israel will be gone in 10 years.”

Note: True Israel is not the State of Israel set up in 1948.

Like Saudi Arabia, they well deserve to collapse. 

Costa Rica will thrive. Their GDP will grow, and economy will be stable. They will still be poor, with a very low standard of living. Don’t even think of going there. 

Uruguay will survive. Population down 16% and GDP down 21%. This may be the least worst country in South America. 

Colombia will thrive surprisingly. A dramatic rise in GDP and the economy. Go figure! 

Ireland, like the United Kingdom, will be a disaster. Why? A loss of 74% population, a 93% drop in GDP (yes, 93%) and 84% drop in the economy. You can see this already. 

Puerto Rico will collapse in every way. Why go into detail? Iceland will collapse. 42% drop in population, 84% drop in GDP and 74% in economy. Aruba will thrive. A desert island with no water? Really? Somehow stable.

Both the Deagel 2025 Forecast and September 2020 Update were taken down by Deagel on April 27, 2021. This is more than just worrisome. 

Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation Forecast

The original is here in the library at No need to search it or use the Wayback Machine. It is now almost October 2024, and everyday the world events worsen unimaginably. They purposely say the U.S. population loss will be due to “emigration” to mislead you. All these hundreds of millions will be killed off by starvation, nuclear war, plagues, death vaccines, and scamdemics like the soon coming Bird Flu in January 2025. (Matt. 24:22)

Source: Henry Makow – Deagel’s Grim Prediction for the US