Gibraltar Messenger


“The God-fearing human family by their acceptance of Divine Law, Spiritual and Temporal, are gifted with the indwelling Holy Spirit, and are by faith at-one through the Son.”D.P. Grafton, This Is A Great Mystery - Marriage Guidance
“Buddha is NOT a name, it is a descriptive title and means The Awakened; Anointed or Enlightened One.”JAH
“This life-evaluation fulfills the perfect system of cause-and-effect that many cultures in the world believe in, which is known by many different names such as 'Karma' in the Eastern religions and 'Sowing and Reaping' in the West.”JAH, The Astral Plain
“Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, 'We believe', and that they will not be tested?”A Message for Gibraltar, from God in The Koran
“If you are a 'Seeker for Truth', have you ever stopped to consider just how many things, throughout our lives, we have all been taught, that are not true?”JAH
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