Gibraltar Messenger


“Jesus himself told everyone repeatedly, as is quoted in the New Testament, that he is NOT FROM THIS WORLD.“JAH, Close Encounters of the Gibraltar Kind
“You must learn The Way of the ‘Force’ and become JEDI Knights and fight to put the world right. The ONLY alternative is to face the IMMINENT Apocalypse; the ‘Fire’ and be executed for YOUR war crimes.”JAH, Star Wars - Fact NOT Fiction
“It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.”(Proverbs 17:28 adaptation), Who is Darth Vader really?
“It would mean that our progenitors were alien, that our genesis was alien, that we're here because of them; that they put us here.”Fox Mulder, The X-Files: Biogenesis
“I found a key, THE KEY…to every question that has ever been asked. It's a puzzle but the pieces are there for us to put together.”Dana Scully, The X-Files: Biogenesis
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