Syria, Iran, Turkey and Iraq are the Four Angels who will be loosened when the Sixth Trumpet sounds (sixth time period begins), according to Bible prophecy. These four countries, bound by the great River Euphrates, are in turmoil and distress from Western political and military aggression; and once provoked to the point of no return, they are going to rise up and fight back.

[The Euphrates River begins in Turkey, flows through Syria and Iraq, joins the Tigris, and then becomes the Shat al-Arab waterway, that is the border between Iraq and Iran, over which they dispute, and empties into the Persian Gulf].
This war is going to kill the third part of men. Millions are going to die from the devastations of war, involving weapons, bombs and sulfur. In his vision in the Book of Revelation, John describes military equipment he sees as best he can from these times of old. Horses are mobile military equipment. Fire represents bombs and missiles. Smoke from bombs and oil carries sulfur which kills.
The Third Trumpet sounded in 1986, when the Chernobyl disaster occured in Ukraine, described in Revelation 8:10-11. We’re well past this phase; but interestingly, Ukraine is in focus again as things heat up; and the world divides into two camps.

In Ukrainian, Chernobyl means Wormwood.
Signs of the End Times:
2 Edras 5:4 But if The Most High grant thee to live, thou shalt see after (1986) the Third Trumpet (Revelation/Apocalypse 8:10-11 – CHERNOBYL means Wormwood in Ukrainian ) that the Sun (of Righteousness – see Malachi 4:2 ) shall suddenly shine (enlighten people) again in the “night” (darkness – the “Dark Times” – evil. and the moon thrice in the day:
2 Edras 5:5 And blood (life) shall drop out of wood (DEFORESTATION), and The Stone (Messiah/CHRIST/Mahdi – Matthew 21:42) shall give his voice, and the peoples shall be troubled; and the air-goings (WIND-PATTERNS) shall be CHANGED [due to the deforestation] (EL NIÑO; TRADEWINDS; etc. – appropriately El Niño means the CHRIST-child, in spanish):
5:6 And even he shall rule, [Christ] whom they look not for that dwell upon the Earth, and the fowls shall take their flight away together:
John had described the Invasion of Kuwait in detail in Revelations Chapter 9. That means the fifth trumpet has already sounded; or the fifth time period began in 1991.

The Invasion of Kuwait Prophecy:
The mid-day sun was darkened just as prophesied in Rev. 9:1-2. And there arose a SMOKE out of the pit, like (as) the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air (sky) were darkened because of (by reason of) the SMOKE of the pit.” And there came out of the SMOKE, LOCUSTS – Helicopters. The “SCORPIONS” were armoured ground vehicles and the IRONY is that the British armoured vehicles are actually CALLED “Scorpions”.
The West and the State of Israel want war and they have been instigating war for quite awhile. They do it for greed and control, but the evil elites (Synagogue of Satan) are at play, calling the shots and orchestrating the events in their bid for world domination. They get richer from all angles of war, while everyone else gets dead poor.
If you think Israel isn’t involved in the push to WW3, then you need to understand how their agents control policies in Washington DC and control countries by proxy.
Read these articles:
• How Jewish Is the War Against Russia?
• Jewish Zelensky and Zionist Plot to Provoke Russia
• Israel’s Secret Plan for a “Second Israel” in Ukraine
Despite the Hidden Hand’s propaganda and attempts at deception, it doesn’t change the fact that 95% of all modern Jews are not true racial Israelites, they are Ashkenazi Khazar counterfeit-Jews descended from Japheth’s grandson Ashkenaz, not Shem/Sem, and are allied with the descendants of Esau/Edom. The Hidden Hand – How to Defeat The New World Order.
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are NOT, but [are] (Idumeans) the synagogue of Satan.
They also control mainstream media, which brainwashes people to believe a certain, false narrative. Six Jewish Companies Own 96% of the World’s Media.
People falsely believe that their opinion is independent of the MSM narrative, while parroting that same narrative. They think they can decide what to believe; yet, defend the fake narrrative. Thus, we’ve got Ukranian flags hanging high in Europe to show “solidarity”. And we’ve got American taxpayers killing Ukrainians by supplying Neo-nazis with weapons they are using against their own people. Do Americans, or even Britons, think there are no consequences for this participation in the destruction of another nation?

After the West wreaked havoc in the Middle East, these countries were systematically devastated by soldiers fighting for the evil Banksters, Oil Barons, Military Industrial Complex and Opium Dealers. In prophecy, the Middle East’s “water” dries up, meaning its power dries up. The people and nation become powerless (water has been used to produce power such as in watermills). This has left them to turn to Russia and China (the kings of the East) for help against Western aggression. This battle in the Ukraine is about evil Western aggression; and will end in the Holy Lands. The West is setting itself up to lose the Battle of Armageddon; and be punished by God; most killed and the rest enslaved.
The way of the kings of the East is being prepared. The kings of the East are communist Russia and China, united, with allies Persia/Iran and Libya, Iraq and Syria, and soon to be Turkey, who hate the West for all its done to them, through war, political aggression, theft, and persecution. Notice how Russia is gathering the Four Angels? Recently, we see Russia and Turkey forging a stronger alliance with Turkstream.
Understand what these headlines really mean – Prophecy is in the making:
• Turkish hub could replace Nord Stream Gazprom
• Turkey and Russia closer than ever despite Western sanctions
• De facto alliance, Russia and Turkey (11-minute video on DGTV)
On the west side of the Middle East lies the State of Israel; beyond the east side of the Middle East lies Russia and China. When the power of the Middle East is gone, red armies can easily advance across the land westerly to Israel, and from the north through Turkey and Syria and from the west, via the Mediterranean Sea and the Horn of Africa. Look to see which countries are being gathered by Russia and China. Prophecy is in the making.

All this sets the stage for Armageddon. In Hebrew, Har-Megiddo means Armageddon, and is located in Northern Israel where ancient Israel fought its enemies, and near Endor. The already exhausted West will lose against the formidable Red armies. In Revelation 11:7, the beast (Satan and his communism/Marxism) will overcome them and kill them, the Two Witnesses. Here, the West is represented by the United Kingdom and the United States, that both used to witness for God, before their testimony ended and they strayed away from the Truth and God’s Laws. This separation accelerated after the Marxists infiltrated Western countries.
The State of Israel pushes for war with Iran, and the U.S. and Great Britain are its military arm. They know this will cause WW3. And with WW3, the powerful elite -counterfeit Jews-Synagogue of Satan, think they will have their “one world”. They are just leading everyone into a further state of hell. True Israel, descendants of the 12 Tribes of Israel, living around the world, have let the Synagogue of Satan take over, rule them with ever-increasing legislation; lead them to debt slavery (Egypt, again), and punish them for even loving God in the first place.

It is possible to fall on our knees right now before God and ask for help and guidance to overcome evil. It’s going to take faith and action and a free-will desire to want to live by God’s Law, not the elite’s fraudulent legislation inflicted on us, and acknowledge and seek Christ’s help and sovereignty. God’s Law gives wealth to everyone, not just to the one percent. God’s Law forgives debt every seven years, not increasing it seven-fold every few years. When God’s children follow Him, they are blessed. Each individual can turn himself around; and turn his household around, today. Represent God so that He can represent you.
The three woes (warnings) are happening in this last generation of souls.
The fifth trumpet was Woe 1; the sixth is Woe 2;
And the seventh trumpet will be Woe 3.
The seventh trumpet is the final one.
Rev. 8:13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!
Matthew 11:15 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
John 10: 4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
Do you hear His Voice? The Way home or face The Fire was written in 1986 – from 2 Edras above “The Stone (Messiah/CHRIST/Mahdi – Matthew 21:42) shall give his voice.”
The only Way to survive the Sixth Trumpet is to acknowledge Christ as King.