Gibraltar Messenger

Stakeholder Communism

Written, Reported & Edited by Richard Jeffs, with additions for Gibraltar Messenger.

Richard JeffsI made this short film to demonstrate the influence the World Economic Forum has over the two major UK parties. Both are undemocratically driving the transition to an authoritarian political system called Stakeholder Capitalism; that’s what  you’re voting for with Labour and Conservatives (Deut. 5:32).

Stakeholder Communism – full documentary

In 2020, G20 governments (Rev. 27:17), in collusion with the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholders, discretely and undemocratically enacted a global ten-year transition to an authoritarian political system, called Stakeholder Capitalism.

After propagating a Marxist idea (Rev. 13:16) that black and trans people are oppressed and indoctrinating us to fear climate change, the Stakeholders are mandating their pre-planned political system, which its criminal mastermind, Klaus Schwab, alleges is better for ‘people and planet’.

Will we push back before A.I. takes our jobs, our wealth shifts to the Stakeholders and we become vulnerable to tyranny? Join tech entrepreneur, Richard Jeffs, as he investigates The Great Reset transition to Stakeholder Capitalism.

Source: Yellow Forum – Stakeholder Communism Documentary – Director: Richard Jeffs

More on “Stakeholder Communism” –

NTD’s Lee Hall sits down with investigative filmmaker Richard Jeffs to talk about his documentary, “Stakeholder Communism.” He says we are in a transition to a new political system we didn’t vote for — and that technology is opening the door to new forms of tyranny.

The World’s Major Problems Due to ‘Stakeholder Communism’: Richard Jeffs

A Review by Jeffrey Peel, with additions.

Stakeholder Communism – A new movie by Richard Jeffs

Stakeholder Capitalism is essentially corporatism (fascism) in drag – a handy way for large (globalist) corporations to fund a series of initiatives (like NetZero and gender theory) that result in more and more revenue (and bungs) flowing to ‘stakeholders’ i.e. bent politicians and WEF corporate members.

“Before WW2 the AshkeNAZI banksters tried to stage a coup against the U.S. Government, to install Hitler-style fascism in the U.S.A., but failed because war-hero highly decorated Marine General Smedley D. Butler listened to, but refused to go along with their plan and outed them, including Prescott Bush, J. P. Morgan and other counterfeit-Jewish financiers.” – The AshkeNAZI Synagogue of Satan Explained.

“The takeaway here is that our enslavement in a satanic ‘New World Order’ is being financed by the government and corporate establishment, i.e. fascists.” – Who Funds UN Agenda 21/30 Mission Goals? Fascists

To be honest, I’m not completely sold on the idea that WEF is the sole reason for everything going Communist over the last four years (Rev. 6:4). While WEF is clearly part of the problem (and the problem is well documented in Richard’s movie), there are also some endemic sovereign problems, especially in the UK and United States.

The historian, David Starkey, did a very good job at articulating how the UK, constitutionally, was savaged by the Blair/Brown ‘New Labour’ governments in his recent talk at the New Culture Forum. In short, he was clear the problems in the UK were created at home – no supranational organisation needed.

To an extent, of course, New Labour may have helped define many of the doctrines that have now been adopted by the WEF. But, meanwhile, there’s a vast job to be done to unpick the shambles that the neo-Communist Conservatives have ignored. And the Labour Party under Keir Starmer has been rebranded as the UK policy wing of the Trilateral Commission – WEF’s sibling-in-crime.

But Stakeholder Communism does a great job at summarising just how loathsome Schwab and his corporate cronies are. Notable among the corporate shills is Chief Schwab Sycophant, Marc Benioff of So, in this respect, it’s a very good piece to watch in full if you want to amass an arsenal of evidence of just how grotesque corporate greed and social manipulation can become when it tries. (Study 1 Tim. Chapter 5).

However, I take some issue with the end of the piece where Jeffs attempts to end on a note of optimism – where he presents a new cast of characters willing to stand up against this globalist rabble. He chooses to highlight people like Russell Brand and Jordan Peterson as saviours (Acts 3:20). In my view the last thing we need is yet more money-grabbing egotists mauling the English language and telling us how to think.

John 17:3 And THIS is Life Eternal, that they might KNOW Thee the ONLY True God, and Christ the Saviour, whom Thou hast sent.

Act NOW or face your fate.

More uplifting, in my view, is the fact that the market is pretty much saying NO to the WEF’s immoral and anti-human bullshit. Electric vehicles are being stockpiled in China because no-one wants to buy them. Tesla is laying off staff and its market cap is tanking because, frankly, people would prefer the security of fossil-fuel powered cars – despite non-stop Net Zero propaganda. And JK Rowling has practically, single-handedly, destroyed gender theory nonsense with a few tweets.

And, even better, the biggest threat to the Conservative/Labour duopoly in the UK is likely to be not another political party, but independent candidates taking issue with globalist clap-trap. It worked very effectively in Oldham – where newly elected Independents robbed Labour of their cosy majority on the council.

Independent sovereign individuals are the greatest threat to the WEF – not more globalist wannabes.

Source: The New Era – Stakeholder Communism – A new movie by Richard Jeffs