In the previous editions you have been given warnings and advice about the future, and what NEEDS to be done, with no noticeable response from you – only the usual deafening wall of silence.
We told you that only actions and not more empty words can fix the frontier problem, but still the worthless talking goes on regardless: as it has for decades. The action that needs to be taken is for the Gibraltarian people to take matters into their OWN hands, instead of waiting endlessly for the UK to act, when the UK is purposefully assisting Madrid, by its deliberate inaction, whilst saying it defends Gibraltar, but in reality doing the opposite. It’s not in their financial interests to help Gibraltar to be successful.
The Banksters in the financial square-mile in London, called the “City of London”, sees Gibraltar’s financial sector as direct competition that it needs to destroy, in order to maximize its own profits. This we told you decades ago, but you chose to ignore our advice.
Whilst we are totally against gambling; because it is immoral, harmful and unlawful; we are aware that it is Gibraltar’s largest employer and most lucrative business, and the “City of London” therefore will attack it, by getting their puppet bought-and-paid-for politicians to pass fraudulent legislation in order to cripple it, and boost their own profits. It is naïve in the extreme to think that they would do otherwise.
See JforJustice.net/banksters.
The incursions into British Gibraltar’s Territorial Waters (BGTW) by Spanish military, customs and other vessels of the state, are; under international maritime law; an act of war, and need to be treated as acts of war. When they enter BGTW, and open fire with weapons on people in BGTW, there can be absolutely no doubt that such behavior is an act of war, but the UK just wags its finger and complains to people in Madrid who laugh at their words and lack of action, and that only encourages Madrid to escalate the war.
Gibraltar needs to have its own Special Boat Squadron and to warn Madrid that it considers any incursion an act of war and aggression, and the next time it occurs they will be fired upon, and if necessary arrested, or sunk. Force is the ONLY thing that Madrid understands, otherwise they would not be using it themselves against Gibraltar. Hopefully the threat will be enough to deter them, without any loss of life.
If the UK is not willing to defend BGTW, then the Gibraltarian people must do it themselves. The time for talking is long gone. A volunteer force Special Boat Squadron should be created and armed with suitable weaponry sufficient to deter any further incursions.
Madrid may try to close the border and Gibraltar must be prepared for that, but it will hurt the Spanish workers and the Campo’s economy more than Gibraltarians, and thus they must become Gibraltar’s allies in the war with Madrid.
Approximately 7,000 – 10,000 Spanish workers work in Gibraltar, and if they and their dependents surround the border-guards on their side of the frontier and disarm them, and then send them packing to Madrid, where they belong, whilst Gibraltarians in similar numbers support them on the Gibraltar side of the frontier; so there is no escape for the guards; then people will be able to pass freely, as they should be able to, to their places of work, and of course tourists can too.
Yes, this will escalate the conflict and should force the UK to act to defend Gibraltar militarily, IF Madrid makes it necessary, instead of with more empty words and pathetic mummy’s boy finger-waving. There will be some temporary inconvenience, but you can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.
You NEED to escalate things, to force the UK to act
We know there are many brave Gibraltarians who are not afraid of the Maritime Guardia Civil (GC) and being shot at, for doing nothing wrong: just delivering goods to La Linea. The GC are protecting big business in Madrid, whilst harming the people of the Campo. The UK, as usual, helped them and stabbed Gibraltar and the Campo in the back, with fraudulent new legislation and stealing the delivery people’s boats and livelihoods.
The EU is SUPPOSED to be about free-trade, but the reality is that it is only about free-trade for the rich people, who own the politicians in Madrid and elsewhere and who give licenses only to their rich friends – like the Palomas’ situation in Gibraltar. Thus their free-trade is licensed and NOT free, and harms the little-people, who are just trying to make a living and feed their families. That lie and hypocrisy MUST stop. You don’t NEED a license in a FREE and responsible society.
The people of the Campo need to join together with the Gibraltarians and unite the whole Campo with their Gibraltarian cousins, with everyone at peace, free and prosperous under the rule of Christ, your shared rightful King, rather than the evil Elizabeth and Juan Carlos.
You cannot rely on the UK, because the UK and USA (REAL Israel) are going to lose WW3, as a punishment for rejecting Christ’s Sovereignty; not keeping The Covenant (contract with God/Allah); God’s Law and being His demonstration people to the rest of the world, to get them also to keep The Covenant and God’s Perfect Royal Law of Liberty
REAL ISRAEL, 2 Witnesses & 4 Horsemen – JAHTruth.net/horse
Everybody who refuses to return to His Law will be burned to ashes, by Him, and their souls will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire. You’ve been warned and will now have NO excuse for not doing so.
4:1 For, behold, the Day cometh, that shall burn like an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the “I AM” Lord of hosts, that it shall leave of them neither root nor branch (nothing).
4:2 But unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
4:3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in The Day that I shall do [this], saith the “I AM” Lord of hosts.
4:4 Remember ye and return to The Law of Moses My servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, [with] the Statutes and Judgments.
4:5 Behold, I will send you EliJAH the Prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful Day of the “I AM” (Sura 43:61):
4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse (see verse 1).
Study The Way home or face The Fire at thewayhomeorfacethefire.info and let’s get started building Christ’s Kingdom on Earth, for the benefit of all mankind.
Your Oath to God – JAHTruth.net/covt
Gibr-ALTAR – “crossroads” and “gate” to the old and new world (and age). Gebal-Tariq, in Arabic, means the Rock of “The Night-Visitant.” (see also Rev. 3:3)
86:1-By the Sky and the Night-Visitant (therein);-
86:2-And what will explain to thee what the Night-Visitant is?-
86:3. (It is) the “Star” of piercing brightness (Rev. 30:16);
86:4. There is no soul but has a protector over it.
86:13. Behold this is The Word that distinguishes (Good from Evil):
86:14. It is NOT a thing for amusement.
86:15. As for them, they are but plotting a scheme,
86:16. And the “I AM” is planning a scheme.
86:17. Therefore grant a delay to the Unbelievers: give respite to them gently (for awhile).
THE MOUNT (from Koran Sura 52)
52:1. By the Mount (of Revelation) – the Rock;
52:2. By a Decree inscribed [in Prophecy]
52:3. In a Scroll opened-up [Isaiah 33:16-17; 42:11-12];
52:4. By the much-frequented Fane;
52:5. By the Canopy Raised High [the Levanter-Cloud];
52:6. And by the Ocean filled with Swell [the Atlantic];
52:7. Verily, the Doom from thy Lord will indeed come to pass;-
52:8. There is none can avert it;
33:16 He shall dwell on Sion: his place of defence [shall be] the Fortress of Rock: bread shall be given him; his waters [shall be] sure.
33:17 Thine eyes shall see The King in his beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off (Israel).
This message was given in the March 2014 edition of Gibraltar Messenger.