Message to The Speaker of The House
After my arrest for disrupting parliament, and bail conditions imposed, the gauntlet to Chief Minister Picardo is thrown down in a letter to Madam Speaker.
After my arrest for disrupting parliament, and bail conditions imposed, the gauntlet to Chief Minister Picardo is thrown down in a letter to Madam Speaker.
Have the Turks outmaneuvered the Americans and Israelis, to
reshape Syria to their liking and mount a united Islamic front against Zionism?
Lo que te contaré ha sido ocultado por generaciones por personas malvadas que buscan oprimirte, controlarte, envenenarte y hasta matarte.
We are complicit when we allow EVIL to triumph over GOOD. We are complicit in our complacency and our silence. We can no longer turn a blind eye or hide.
Most people didn’t realize that the COVID years (2020-2023) were a global Compliance Test. Many people accepted the narrative without question, did you?
From the steps of the GSD, to the THREE KINGS cavalcade, a Yorkshire Ripping Yarn special is told of how & why Sam and Tony gatecrashed the procession.