Gibraltar Messenger

Threshold of War

Please review the following articles about the impending WAR.

1 – A Third World War fought at least initially with conventional weapons is (possibly – Ed.) now just days, at most weeks away.

By Gilbert Doctorow, with added hyperlinks and notes

Friends, countrymen, lend me your ears…

I cannot say how close we are to midnight on the nuclear war watch. But a Third World War fought at least initially with conventional weapons is now just days, at most weeks away.

I look at what my peers are saying on the most watched youtube channels, and they seem conforted that the Ukraine war is unsustainable for Zelensky’s army given the ongoing massacre of the forces they deployed in their Kursk gambit, today said to be over 10,000 men dead or grievously wounded. Meanwhile the Russian offensive in Donbass is reported both by Russians and by Western media to be accelerating, with more towns being captured each day and the number of square kilometers of Ukrainian territory ‘liberated’ there in the past month already roughly matching the 1,000 that Ukrainian elite forces captured in Russia’s Kursk oblast over the same period. Of course, these two conquests are incomparable: the Ukrainians have a tenuous hold on land they cannot fortify so as to keep given that their supply lines from the border are under constant deadly attack from the air and from Russian artillery, whereas the Russian advance along the Donbass battle lines is pulverizing long standing Ukrainian fortified positions and is about to totally disrupt the logistics that permit the Ukrainian forces to stay in the Donbass.

These same peers have highlighted the destruction of Ukraine’s best present and future cadres in electronic warfare by Russia’s missile strike this past week on the military communications institute in Poltava which is today said to have killed 700 Ukrainian and NATO personnel.

However, this seeming turning point in Russia’s favor is, as we speak, setting the stage for one further absolutely desperate and reckless act by the Biden administration to deprive Russia of its well earned victory by escalating the conflict to a world war.

What I have in mind is the near certainty that the United States and Britain have just agreed to give the Zelensky regime permission to use the long-range missiles which have been delivered to Ukraine, certainly including Storm Shadow and likely also the 1500 km range stealth missile known as JASSM to strike deep into the Russian heartland, and so ‘to bring the war to Russia’ as the Zelensky gang put it.

That is the sense of the trip this week by Secretary of State Blinken to Kiev and of the visit to the White House on Friday by British Prime Minister Starmer.

Collective Biden is doing this in the full knowledge that the Russians have issued direct threats of attack on the United States and other countries involved in strikes on its heartland using such Western supplied and directed weapons. However patient and averse to a hot war with NATO President Putin may be, he will have no choice but to rise to the challenge.

Meanwhile, peers who know a great deal about current affairs in the Middle East, in particular former British diplomat Alastair Crooke, have in their latest interviews on youtube said flatly that the United States has given Israel the go-ahead to launch a full-blown war on Lebanon. The nod from Washington was expressed by the reminder to Netanyahu that the aircraft carriers and other U.S. vessels now stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean cannot remain there indefinitely, so if he has something to do, he should proceed without delay.

Hence the Israeli prime minister’s public directive to the IDF a day ago to move on Lebanon. Should this happen, the tinderbox that is the Middle East today may well catch fire. The interested parties in countering the atrocities that Israel has been committing in Gaza and most recently also in the West Bank now take in even very moderate and restrained Jordan, as well as Turkey and Egypt. Of course; it will be very difficult for Iran* to stay out of the conflict, which in one way or another will also bring in Iran’s newly declared strategic partner or ally, Russia.

*Iran is one of the four angels of the Euphrates (Rev.9:14). Iran will be involved, as well as Syria, Iraq and Turkey.

In this way a presently localized conflict in the Middle East can in a flash become a regional war that in a further flash becomes a second front to the war between the United States and Russia which I foretold above when speaking about Ukraine.

These considerations of what may well happen in the immediate days ahead cannot bring joy to anyone. There will be no победа (victory) or слава (glory) for any of the parties to the coming conflagration. Only massive destruction and loss of life.

*Collective Biden is the term which Russian talk show hosts have applied to the US leadership given that the presidency assumed a collective form when the physical Joe Biden slipped into deep senility this past couple of years.

Source: Armageddon Newsletter – The insane recklessness of Collective Biden*

2 – Putin warns of NATO’s formal entry into war if it allows Ukraine to carry out long-range missile strikes

by Richard Brown, (excerpts, with added hyperlinks and notes):

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) appears to be moving toward deeper involvement in Ukraine’s conflict with Russia as President Vladimir Putin warns that the military alliance will be directly at war with Moscow if Kyiv is allowed to use long-range missiles in Russian territory.

Reports indicate that the United States and the United Kingdom are close to allowing the Armed Forces of Ukraine to use U.S. and U.K.-supplied long-range missiles to conduct strikes deep into Russian territory.

Putin warned that such a move would mark NATO’s formal entry into the war against Russia. Putin emphasized that Ukraine cannot launch these advanced weapons without intelligence from the U.S. and U.K., utilizing NATO satellites.

Ezekiel 13 (extract)
Because the “foolish prophets” (politicians) have seduced My people, saying peace; and there was NO peace and one built a wall (N.A.T.O. and U.N.O.) and others daubed it with untempered mortar (non-hardening / useless cement), say to them that it shall FALL.

“If this decision is made, it will signal direct participation by NATO countries, including the U.S. and Europe, in the war in Ukraine. This will fundamentally alter the nature of the conflict,” Putin said. “If that’s the case, then taking into account the change of nature of the conflict, we will take the appropriate decisions based on the threats that we will face.”

The U.K. has supplied Ukraine with Storm Shadow long-range air-launched cruise missiles, which have a range of about 155 miles, or three times the range of the missiles Ukrainian forces have in their arsenals. However, in supplying the missiles, London emphasized that Kyiv is not allowed to use them to fire at targets inside Russia.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has provided Ukraine with the longest-range version of its ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles. These versions can travel nearly 200 miles. However, like the U.K., Washington has remained hesitant over allowing the firing of long-range missiles into internationally recognized Russian territory, over fears that the Kremlin could respond by deploying similar or worse weapons, such as nuclear warheads.

Source: Natural News – Putin warns of NATO’s formal entry into war if it allows Ukraine to carry out long-range missile strikes

3 – Medvedev: Kursk attack could trigger nuclear response, patience is wearing thin
Medvedev warns Kyiv will be reduced to a ‘melted spot’ over the use of Storm Shadow missiles

In a message on his Telegram channel, Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, voiced doubts about how the West sees Russia’s possible responses. “What do Western leaders, who are deeply involved in the war, expect Russia to do when facing missile attacks deep into our land?” said the diplomat.

He pointed out that Western politicians seemed to think Russia’s nuclear threats are just empty words. “They believe that even though we discuss WMDs, we never really do anything about them. They see our warnings as empty platitudes and think we won’t violate any boundaries—just scare tactics,” Medvedev said.

Additionally, Medvedev berated Western leaders for not appreciating Russia’s readiness to take action. “The haughtiness of the Anglo-Saxons denies that Russia’s tolerance is finite.” He said, “Western analysts who predict Russia won’t retaliate may be correct for the time being, but they ignore the genuine chance that a future response might involve non-nuclear but equally devastating measures.”

Source: Albawaba News – Medvedev: Kursk attack could trigger nuclear response, patience is wearing thin

4 – Who can save us from Starmer’s rush to war?

The Heraldic Symbolism of the Unicorn on the British Coat-of-Arms.

By Jonathon Riley (excerpts):

This is a review of current events and an attempt to see where matters are heading ie, state of the armed force, estimates of casualties, Ukraine’s strategic and operational approach…

THE past week has seen what appears to be a rush to war with Russia by Sir Keir Starmer’s government – although what he proposes to use to prosecute such a war, given the parlous state of British defence, is not clear.

Great Britain, not counting the Empire, suffered 880,000 killed in the five years of the Great War, 6 per cent of the adult male population, and 13 per cent of the armed forces’ strength of four million. Another 920,000 were wounded, making a total loss of 1.8 million over five years out of a population of 46 million in 1914. If Lutsenko’s figures are anywhere near true, they indicate that Ukraine is losing men at a higher rate than Britain did during the ‘war to end all wars’.

Hotheads in both the current and former British administrations have been eager to give permission to strike at Russia but have until now been held in check by US vetos.

The Russians’ stance is that the use of these weapons would amount to a direct Nato attack on Russia itself – and they are right, since these weapons are crewed by British and American servicemen and guided by American satellite systems.

If permission to use these weapons were given, perhaps the most likely targets would be Russian airfields and lines of communications. About 150 Storm Shadows (at around £900,000 a shot) are available, supported by limited stocks of other long-range munitions.

In the worst case, we appear to be on a three-step track to war. Step one has been the Russian expulsion of British diplomats. Step two, which could follow very quickly, would be a formal severing of diplomatic relations. Step three is war.

Source: TCW – Who can save us from Starmer’s rush to war?

Ezekiel 38 (extract)
Thus says the Lord God; behold I AM against you Gog the prince of Rosh (Russia) Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Tobolsk) – the Western and Eastern Capitols of the U.S.S.R. (now called the C.I.S.): I will turn you back (from seeking peace) and put hooks into your jaws (hunger), and I will bring you forth, with all your armed forces and Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, Togarmah and ALL the earth with them against My people Israel (Britain and the British Commonwealth; America; Scandinavia; the Netherlands; the Baltic States; Northern France; Northern Spain and the Jews) to the lands of unwalled villages (walls of untempered mortar) without bars or gates (no defences because of defence cuts after the “so-called” peace dividend), when they (the politicians – foolish prophets) say peace, peace and there was NO peace.

Who can save us from Starmer’s rush to war? The war is going to happen. Find out how to survive by reading The Way home or face The Fire.