During the next phase of WW3; that the Illuminati Nazi Banksters are itching to start, because they have no way to fix the world economy and want to exterminate 95% of the world’s population via wars, vaccines, Chernobyl, the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Horizon and Fukushima Daiichi disasters, etc., according to their Georgia Guide-Stones monument, the U.N. Agenda 21 document and Microsoft’s Bill Gates, so they will end-up owning the whole world; Gibraltar will become extremely vulnerable, unless very serious and concerted efforts are taken right NOW to eliminate those obvious vulnerabilities.
The first very obvious vulnerability is the desalination plant located completely exposed like a sitting-duck on the North Mole, where it is extremely vulnerable to a bomber or missile-attack, and, without adequate water, Gibraltar will be uninhabitable.
The second most obvious vulnerability is the power generation that depends upon diesel-fuel, or even the new generator that is being proposed to run on both diesel and gas, neither of which Gibraltar has, without importing it. When THEY (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) eventually attack Iran and Iran blocks the Strait of Hormuz, and major oil-fields also get destroyed, there will be very little diesel and gas available, and what is available will be at an unaffordable cost. Gibraltar will then become uninhabitable, without power and water.
Since the late 1800s there have been free-energy (yes free) inventions that are fuel-less and have been suppressed by the big oil people like the evil Bush family who, according to Nazi SS Sturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny, had Nikola Tesla murdered after stealing his free-energy inventions and the evil Elizabeth Battenberg/Windsor who it is claimed owns BP and half of Anglo- Dutch Shell Oil.
Nikola Tesla the inventor of Alternating Current electricity wanted to give electrical free-energy to the whole world from his Wardenclyffe Tower. The bankster J. P. Morgan initially financed him, until Morgan realized that he would not be able to put a meter on it and charge people for it, so he had the tower destroyed. The Nazi Bush family (real name Scherff) – Prescott who was Tesla’s secretary and George H. W. “Poppy” (Opium) Scherff/Bush his son – stole Tesla’s inventions and patents and Hitler’s personal body-guard Otto Skorzeny mentioned previously and SS General Reinhard Gehlen murdered Tesla, according to Otto Skorzeny’s death-bed confession.
Since Tesla there have been many others, like Stanley Meyer who invented a way to run cars on water, and they too have been murdered, by agents of the big oil companies. In order to make Gibraltar much less vulnerable and also very prosperous you need to put extreme pressure on the government to sponsor, and you all to create a safe-haven for free-energy inventors to develop free energy devices, to free Gibraltar from its dependency on imported oil and gas. The energy from those devices, as well as powering your homes and vehicles for free, can then also be used to power desalination water-makers within the Rock, so that they are not vulnerable to attack. These free- energy devices can also be manufactured and exported creating employment and profits for the economy.
You also; since Fukushima Daiichi is pouring 300 tons of radioactive water into the ocean every day, and has been for more than 2 years and all of the world’s oceans are linked; need to start testing the water for radiation.
Food Chain Catastrophe: Emergency Shut Down Of West Coast Fisheries: “Populations Have Crashed 91 Percent”
You need to do ALL of this as soon as possible.
For More Details, See JforJustice.net/banksters and The Nazi Banksters’ Crimes Ripple Effect.
This message was given in the January 2014 edition of Gibraltar Messenger.
Read more about the significance of Gibraltar on JAHTruth’s Gibraltar Page.