Gibraltar Messenger

A Second Amicus Curiae Brief For The McGrail Inquiry

Amicus Curiae Brief 2 for Commissioner Peter Openshaw
and Interested Parties to The McGrail Inquiry

RE: Shlomo Levy, Hassan’s Law Firm

It has been brought to my attention that Shlomo Levy, son of James Levy, who was the subject of the RGP criminal investigation that led to the unlawful intervention by Fabian Picardo and Nick Pyle with the complicity of Michael Llamas, that resulted in the early retirement of Commissioner Ian McGrail, has made a very thinly-veiled threat to my disciple Anthony Farrell, who delivered my previous Amicus Curiae Brief to James Levy, care of Hassan’s, as instructed by me.

Shlomo Levy stopped and read the sandwich-board deployed by Anthony Farrell on 28th June 2024, in front of the Roman Catholic cathedral:

A conversation ensued, and it went as follows:

Shlomo: Are you the person who delivered the Amicus Curiae Brief to the offices of Hassan’s earlier this week?

Tony Farrell: Yes.

Shlomo: You made a mistake by giving your name over to my dad James Levy.

Tony Farrell: Is that a veiled threat?

Shlomo: You made a mistake by giving your name over to my dad James Levy.

In typical lawyer fashion, Shlomo avoided answering the question, because if he said yes, he would be admitting to committing a crime, and if he said no, it would lose its effectiveness, as a threat. So, he just repeated his statement to confirm it was a threat. Why would he say it was a mistake, if he wasn’t making a threat?

Whether James Levy instructed his son Shlomo to make this threat, or whether his son Shlomo acted on his own behalf, remains to be determined. But this Levy family in particular and Hassan’s and its current and former employees seem to think they are above The Law, are a law unto themselves, and can threaten and intimidate people, up to and including the chief of police and force him into early retirement, with impunity, having the chief minister; the attorney-general and now the new chairman of the Gibraltar Police Authority in their pocket, all working or having worked for and being beholden to James Levy at Hassan’s.

When Tony Farrell went to the police head-quarters at New Mole House to make a criminal complaint, the officers in reception refused to file a crime report, or even a police intelligence report. Whereupon Tony said he could make a complaint to the Gibraltar Police Complaints Board. That was said knowing it would most likely end up at the Gibraltar Police Authority (GPA), and the sergeant replied he was entitled to do so. The Sergeant would likewise have known it would go nowhere, because the newly elected chairman of the GPA works for Hassan’s.

All of the evidence points to the fact that James Levy, and not the elected government, runs Gibraltar with impunity.

However, I am here (Daniel 12:1-3) to tell them and everyone else that there is NO impunity from The Law and My Judgements and: Mene, Mene Tekel Upharsin (Daniel 5:25-27), that their days are numbered, and coming to an end. I, and not James Levy and his lackeys, am going to rule Gibraltar and eventually the whole world, and, under Our Perfect Law of Liberty without which there is NO justice, tell the people the truth and set them free (John 8:32) from all the corruption and tyranny.

Every word, deed, and thought of EVERYONE here on this prison-planet, including about and to me, is recorded daily on their criminal record, for which they are held accountable, and from which there is NO escape and NO impunity (Be not deceived/deluded; God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap – karma – Galatians 6:7), and I will be their judge. Yes, everyone including you Mr. Openshaw, and everyone receiving and/or reading this Amicus Curiae Brief, and everyone on Earth, including the Commissioner and members of the RGP. There are NO exceptions.

Mr. Openshaw, you have the opportunity within your grasp to recommend the reinstatement of Commissioner McGrail, the reopening of the criminal investigation that was unlawfully terminated by Fabian Picardo, for which he and Nick Pyle should be arrested and prosecuted; the removal of the Attorney-General Michael Llamas from office, for bias and complicity, and give the RGP real independence and the teeth needed to fight the corruption that exists in Gibraltar, and help to shape a nation’s future with me.

For a detailed explanation of what happened to my disciple Tony Farrell, please read Tony’s report on Gibraltar Messenger: “Was this a thinly-veiled threat from Shlomo Levy?

Yours truly,


Dated: 01/07/2024.

PDF: Amicus Curiae Brief 2 for the McGrail Inquiry